Entries by Barbara Elisi

PANISSIMO – 15/05/13

And here we are, contemplating the incredible bread bounty of the third edition of Panissimo. This time I will let the images and the names of the breads to talk, and remember that if you click on the name of the blog besides each bread you can access the full post with the complete method […]

Bagnet Vert

Bagnet vert is a traditional herb sauce from Northern Italy. It does look like pesto genovese, doesn’t it? Well, while the look may be similar the taste couldn’t be more different. Bagnet vert is in fact made with parsley, while pesto genovese is made with basil -c’mon you can’t possibly confuse one for the other- […]

1-Minute Home-Made Nutella

Yesterday at the market I stumbled in a jar of organic cashew nuts butter. Curious as I am about anything related to food, I bought it and when I tasted it I was surprised by the sweet flavor and by the smooth consistency of the nuts’ paste. They say that creative thinking has an incubation […]

PANISSIMO – 30/04/2013

I get almost speechless when looking at all the beautiful breads that we have received for the second edition of PANISSIMO. Bread for every taste and of every shape, bread, bread, bread… I personally can never get enough, can you? Here you can get your biweekly overdose and find plenty of inspiration to make your […]

PANISSIMO – 15/04/2013

As promised, today Sandra from Indovina chi viene a cena and I are simultaneously publishing the first issue of PANISSIMO, a biweekly collection of breads. The roundups will be up and going the 15th and the 30th of each and every month and will include all the breads that have been sent to us within […]