PANISSIMO – 30/04/2013

panissimo 2

I get almost speechless when looking at all the beautiful breads that we have received for the second edition of PANISSIMO. Bread for every taste and of every shape, bread, bread, bread… I personally can never get enough, can you?

Here you can get your biweekly overdose and find plenty of inspiration to make your own bread or trying one of the many amazing recipes tested here by our peaceful army of skilled home-bakers. Thanks to all the participants for this bounty of amazing breads.

Note:   PANISSIMO is a biweekly collection of breads organized by Sandra from Indovina chi viene a cena and I. The roundups are up and going the 15th and the 30th of each and every month and include all the breads that have been sent to us within the 2-week interval. Rules for participation here. Don’t miss the bubbly Italian version of the roundup on Sandra’s blog.




pane farro e noci


Pane integrale al farro e noci – Whole wheat bread with spelt and walnuts

Consuelo from I Biscotti della Zia




Consuelo cooked this soft bread in a loaf pan is made of almost equal parts of whole spelt and whole wheat flour and enriched with walnuts. It uses brewer’s yeast.


pane turco


Pane turco allo yoghurt o katmer – Turkish bread with yoghurt or katmer

Donatella from L’Ingrediente Perduto



Donatella made some light rolls shaped in an artistic way – inspiration from Turkey. The dough is made with the poolish method and is enriched with yoghurt and milk.




Ciabatta Bread – Ciabatta

Korena from Korena in The Kitchen





This beautifully crusty ciabatta has a very open crumb, just like this type of bread should have. It uses a little bit of brewer’s yeast, a long retardation in the fridge, and a careful handling of the very wet dough.


french paysant bread


French peasant bread – Pane rustico francese

Christine from Ninivepisces




Christine sent us this picture of a lovely peasant bread she made using light whole-wheat flour, sourdough starter and barley malt sirup and a long fermentation. The dough is not shaped, but simply cut in half before baking.


pane integrale di mais


Pane integrale al mais- Whole wheat bread with corn

Michele from Free Bakery and More




Michele made a beautiful rustic loaf using an interesting formula including corn flour soaked for several hours, whole-rye, sesame seeds and whole-wheat flour, using pasta madre as a rising agent.




48-hour Italian rustic sourdough with kamut – Pane rustico al kamut con 48 ore di lievitazione

Barbara from Bread & Companatico






Barbara tested a two-day long fermentation in a rustic loaf shaped the Italian way and using kamut flour and natural starter.


pane morbidissimo


Pane morbidissimo – Soft bread

Sandra from Dolce Forno







Sandra baked some super-soft sandwich bread using wheat flour and lievito madre as a rising agent.


sfilatini allo zenzero


Sfilatini allo zenzero – Italian baguettes with ginger

Francesca from Voglio Vivere Cosi’






Francesca made some beautiful wheat sfilatini, the Italian equivalent of baguette, flavored with fresh ginger and using pasta madre as a rising agent.


spirale alle mandorle


Spirale di farina di segale alle mandorle e noci- Rye spiral with almonds and walnuts

Sandra from Indovina Chi Viene a Cena






So interesting the shape that Sandra gave to this sourdough rye loaf enriched with almonds. Healthy and beautiful.


torta di rose


Torta di rose con spinaci and gorgonzola – Torta di rose with spinach and gorgonzola

Speedy from A Tutta Cucina



Speedy baked some pretty rolls using pasta madre and a filling of spinach and gorgonzola cheese.


tahini bread


Tahini bread – Pane al tahini

Cristiana e Valeria from Beuf a la Mode







Again a Turkish inspiration for these beautiful rolls filled with tahini and olive oil. Cristiana e Valeria use pasta madre as a leavening agent.


le muffolette


Le muffolette – Muffolette rolls

Fernanda from Un Soffio di Polvere di Cannella




Fernanda has made some traditional Sicilian rolls with sesame seeds and using quality Sicilian flours which I hope I could also get here… she uses Brewer’s yeast as a rising agent.





Donatella from L’Ingrediente Perduto







Donatella has made some bakery-perfect bagels based on a recipe from the beautiful bread “How to make bread” from British baker Emmanuel Hadijandreou.


panini parmigiano


Panini al parmigiano – Parmesan rolls

Patty from Il Castello di Patty Patty







Patty has baked some lovely savory rolls enriched with plenty of Parmesan. She uses pasta madre as a leavening agent.




Foolproof overnigh rolls – Panini croccanti semplicissimi

Barbara from Bread & Companatico



Barbara has made some crusty rolls which are super easy to make thanks to the use of only a pinch of brewer’s yeast and an overnight fermentation.


panini quadrifoglio


Four-leaves clover rolls – Panini quadrifoglio

Simona from Briciole







These rolls have a very interesting shape and are easy to make. Enriched with pecans and currants they must also taste wonderful. They are based on wheat flour and brewer’s yeast.


pane naurale GF


Panini dolci senza glutine con lievito naturale – Sweet gluten-free rolls with natural starter

Alice and Ellen from Pane, Amore e Celiachia



Alice and Ellen made the impossible by rising a gluten-free natural starter based on corn and rice flour. They used it to leaven these lovely mildly sweet sandwich rolls which would made great GF hamburger buns.







Karin from Brot & Bread




Karin baked some absolutely perfect French croissants which could rival with the best Parisian bakery. The post includes a foolproof tutorial which makes them seem easy to make.


strawberry savarin


Mini strawberry savarin – Mini savarin alla fragole

Korena from Korena in the Kitchen






I had no idea that savarin, the French sponge cake, was yeast-based. Korena made wonders with these mini savarin with a fresh strawberry sauce. Detailed step-by-step pictures are showed in the post.


savarin con lievito naturale


Sourdough savarin with lemon-honey syrup – Savarin a lievitazione naturale in sciroppo di miele e limone

Rachael from Pizzarossa




And yet another wonderful savarin from Rachael, who was so daring to make this sponge cake using sourdough. Perfectly successful experiment and I can just imagine the combination with the lemon-honey syrup.






Sourdough parmesan grissini – Grissini al parmigiano e lievitazione naturale

Rachael from Pizzarossa






It seems that sourdough has really no limits. Rachael made some super crunchy parmesan grissini using her natural starter.




Naan – Naan bread

Isabel from Wolf’s Lair





An Indian inspiration for these fluffy home-made naan bread leavened with dried natural starter.




Stiacciata all’olio fiorentina – Olive oil crusty focaccia from Florence

Sandra from Indovina Chi Viene a Cena? 



Sandra used a family recipe to make a lovely focaccia with plenty of good Tuscan olive oil and natural starter.


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Pizza al farro con finocchi e prosciutto – Spelt pizza with fennel and Parma ham

Speedy from A Tutta Cucina



Speedy made a scrumptious and very rich pizza using whole-spelt flour and pasta madre.


See you again the 15th of May. Submissions are open until May 13th

Participation rules here

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Barbara Elisi

Hi there! I am the "soul" behind Bread & Companatico. My main interest is the preservation of bread tradition and craft, with an eye to health. I hope you are having a good time reading this blog, and please don't be shy to connect with me through comments or emails and do keep on bread-ing! 🙂
19 replies
  1. sandra
    sandra says:

    quelli fra le foto nel mio post siamo tutti noi passerotti!!!!
    come sono contenta di essermi imbarcata in quest’avventura con te Barbara!!!
    ci sono sempre ricette bellissime che viene voglia di provare!
    baci baci!!!!!


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