PANISSIMO – 15/04/2013


As promised, today Sandra from Indovina chi viene a cena and I are simultaneously publishing the first issue of PANISSIMO, a biweekly collection of breads. The roundups will be up and going the 15th and the 30th of each and every month and will include all the breads that have been sent to us within the 2-week interval.

PANISSIMO wants to offer an extra occasion for breads of every type and from everywhere to be seen. In addition to this, we want to encourage exchange between Italian home bakers, who generally write in Italian, and home bakers from the rest of the world, who often write in English. The roundups include a description of each bread both in English and Italian: here you find the English version and you can check out Sandra’s post to read a brilliant Italian version.

In announcing this event for the first time I had no idea we would have had so many submissions and so many amazing breads to review. I admit that I felt almost overwhelmed and the worst and best of it is that now I have so many new breads, sweet, savory, fluffy or crunchy, you name it, that I want to try. Thank you all for your warm welcome and for all your incredibly creative contributions. Looking forward to the next roundup! Deadline for submissions 28th of April. Rules for participation here.

NOTES: The links to the posts are placed on the blogs’ names. For non bloggers recipes are made accessible through a linked page.




pane casareccio in pentola


Pane Casereccio in Pentola – Rustic Bread In A Pan

Elena from Zibaldone Culinario



A bread based on wheat flour (70% hydration) which uses pasta madre, a thick natural leaven, as a rising agent. This bread was cooked in a cast iron pan.


pane di segale


Pane di Farina di Segale – Rye Bread

Sandra from Indovina Chi Viene a Cena?




This rustic bread is made with whole rye flour (66% hydration) and brewer’s yeast. Only 1 gram of yeast is used for 1 pound (1/2 kg) flour and a long fermentation is therefore possible.


pane di riso



Pane di Riso – Rice Bread

Emanuela from Pane, Burro, e Alici






A pretty looking Italian batard, or filone, based on wheat flour (60% hydration) with the addition of cooked rice. It uses pasta madre, a thick natural leaven, as a rising agent.





Pane di Ceci – Chickpea Bread

Barbara from Bread & Companatico






A rustic boule, or pagnotta, based on wheat and chickpea flour (60% hydration), uses a 100% sourdough starter as a rising agent.


rye and apple bread


Pane 50% Segale e Mele – 50% Rye Bread with Apples

Michele from Free Bakery and More




Rustic boule or pagnotta with 50% whole rye flour and huge chunks of apples. It uses pasta madre, a thick natural leaven, as a leavening agent.


pane integrale




Pane Integrale – Whole Wheat Bread

Giovanna from La Cuoca Eclettica





This fluffy bread is made with 30% whole-wheat flour and uses biga, a preferment prepared with a small amount of brewer’s yeast, as a leavening agent.


pane di segale con cumino dei prati



Pane di Segale con Cumino dei Prati – Caraway Rye Bread

Simona from Briciole





This soft and colorful loaf is made with pumpernikel flour and kefir, and uses a traditional Romanian ferment, bors, as a leavening agent. The liliac color is given by cumin flowers added to the dough.


pane con ciccioli e castagne


Ferri di Cavallo con Frittole e Castagne – Pork and Chestnut Bread

Giacomo non blogger – recipe here



Giacomo presents a recipe typical of Montella a small town in Irpinia, an Italian region located by the Apennine Mountains. The bread is made with durum flour (semola rimacinata) and is enriched with pieces of cured pork and chestnuts. Fresh yeast is the rising agent. Here I have uploaded the complete ingredients.


pane cunzato


Pane Cunzato di Farina di Ceci – Enriched Chickpea Bread

Sandra from Nuvole a Bassa Quota




A bread based on wheat and chickpea flour, enriched with Mediterranean flavors, such as olives, capers and hot pepper. Leavened with a 100% hydration sourdough starter.


 treccia kamut

Treccia di Kamut – Kamut Braid

Simona from Lo Spazio di Staximo







A beautiful braided loaf made with 60% Kamut flour which uses fresh yeast as a leavening agent.


pane integrale


Pane Semi-integrale – Whole Wheat Bread

Monica from Fotocibiamo



These very artsy looking little loaves are made with whole wheat and use dry yeast as a leavening agent.


colomba di pane alle olive


Colomba di Pane alle Olive – Dove Bread With Olives

Speedy from A Tutta Cucina




A sourdough olive bread shaped like a dove. The bread is based on whole rye and wheat and uses the typical Italian sourdough starter, which is quite thick (50% hydration).


treccia pasquale


Treccia Pasquale – Italian Easter Brioche

Alida from My Little Italian Kitchen



This pretty looking braided brioche is typical of Puglia and is made for Easter. The brioche is based on wheat flour and uses brewer’s yeast as a leavening agent.


panini alla zucca


Panini alla Zucca – Pumpkin Rolls

Sandra from Dolce Forno





These fluffy and colorful buns are made with whole wheat flour and pumpkin, enriched with pumpkin seeds. A thick sourdough starter is used as a leavening agent.




Panini – Sandwich Bread

Rachael from Pizzarossa




Almost small ciabattas, these lovely rolls are perfect sandwich bread and are based on wheat flour and a 100% hydration sourdough starter.


gruyere rolls


Gruyere-Stuffed crusty Mini Breads – Rotolini Croccanti al Groviera

Karin from Brot and Bread




These savory rolls are made with a yeast-based preferment and are filled with lots of good gruyere. Perfect for a picnic or in a buffet.


panini pomodorii secchi



Panini Aromatici – Dried Tomatoes Rolls

Patti from Il Castello di Patti Patti



These little rolls are made with Italian pasta madre, a thick sourdough starter, and are enriched with dried tomatoes.




apple cake variation


Apple Cake Variation – Variazioni su un Dolce alle Mele

Ninive from Ninivepisces






A very interesting use of brewer’s yeast to leaven an apple cake. It uses a preferment and adds ground almonds and cream to the dough.


colomba pasquale


Colomba Pasquale Tradizionale – Tradizional Easter Colomba

Giusi ed Elio from Giulia Maria Una Vera Bonta’






This is the most traditional Italian Easter cake ever, it is based on natural leaven and, just alike panettone, is generally bought rather than made because the make takes days. Cheers to Giusi and Elio for succeeding in such a challenging bake.


hot cross buns


Chocolate Porter Sourdough Hot Cross Buns – Panini Dolci Pasquali con Liquore al Cioccolato

Korena from Korena in the Kitchen



Hot cross buns are the British equivalent of the Italian Colomba: they are traditionally made for Easter and are enriched with dried fruit and orange peel. Scrumptious and pretty looking with the typical cross on top. In this version Korena added chocolate liqueur to the dough and went the hard way by fermenting them with a 100% sourdough starter in a cold environment for several hours.


dolce cioccolato e goji


Dolce al Cioccolato, Caffe e Bacche di Goji – Sweet Bread with Chocolate, Coffee and Goji Berries

Sandra from Dolce Forno





I am always emotional when I look at sweet breads. This one would be a great breakfast, is based on a thick Italian sourdough starter (50% hydration) and is enriched with chocolate, coffee and healthy goji berries.


choco GF buns


Gluten-Free Chocolate Buns with Mascarpone Filling – Rotolini al Cioccolato con Ripieno al Mascarpone, Senza Glutine

Barbara from Bread & Companatico






These gluten free buns are made with fresh yeast, rice and potato flour. Melted chocolate is incorporated in the delicate dough and mascarpone is used as a filling.


pane alle mele


Pane alle Mele – Apple Filled Bread

Sandra from Indovina Chi Viene a Cena?







A sweet bread based on 100% sourdough starter and a long fermentation. Just like a strudel, this tempting sweet bread is filled with apples, raisins and cinnamon.







Crackers al Kamut a Lievitazione Naturale – Sourdough Kamut Crackers

Cinzia from Essenza in Cucina






Possibly the crunchiest looking crackers ever and they are surprisingly made with Kamut flour and natural leaven, which makes them also very healthy.


Grissini sesamo


Grissini al Sesamo – Sesami Grissini

Morena from Morena in Cucina




And these are definitely the prettiest looking grissini I have ever seen. Based on brewer’s yeast and wheat flour.




Focaccia Double Face – Focaccia Two Ways

From Un Soffio di Polvere di Cannella




This fluffy focaccia is made with durum flour and potato flakes and alternates two types of topping. Scrumptious!


 See you again the 30th of April. Submission are open until April 28th.

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Barbara Elisi

Hi there! I am the "soul" behind Bread & Companatico. My main interest is the preservation of bread tradition and craft, with an eye to health. I hope you are having a good time reading this blog, and please don't be shy to connect with me through comments or emails and do keep on bread-ing! 🙂
41 replies
  1. sandra
    sandra says:

    Signora: lei è genio, glielo ha mai detto nessuno?
    che post micidiale, bello il collage, bellissima idea, te la rubo per la prossima raccolta! questo post mi da un po’ di serenità oggi…. grazie Barbara di questa avventuara insieme!

    • Barbara
      Barbara says:

      aho a me signora non lo ha mai detto nessuno!
      che sono un genio me lo dico io tutte le mattine allo specchio ma solo ogni tanto riesco a convincere qualcun altro. bene, allora il collage si tiene. un bacione e grazie per essere sempre cosi’ energica nonostante tutto.

    • Barbara
      Barbara says:

      I know… I think I will take one week leave and just bake them all 🙂 thank you so much for your participation! looking forward to see more breads from you.

    • Barbara
      Barbara says:

      thank you Alida. yes, it was really overwhelming to cope with all the submissions… but also so fun to look at all your amazing breads! looking froward to your next bakes.

  2. Karin Anderson
    Karin Anderson says:

    Barbara and Sandra, that looks really nice, thanks! Could you make two little edits, please: I’m a German “Karin” not a Danish “Karen”, and my blog is Brot & Bread – no Umlaut on Brot.
    Keep up the good works!

    • Barbara
      Barbara says:

      thank you Korena for sending your amazing buns. it’s a honor to review so many amazing breads. looking forward to host more of your amazing bakes.

  3. narf77
    narf77 says:

    It is getting colder and colder here in Tasmania and I have promised myself that I am going to practice, refine and perfect my sourdough baking this winter. Brunhilda (our 4 burner wood stove) is on almost 24/7 and so it’s the perfect time to do it. I plan on baking my way through almost every single recipe! 🙂 Cheers for sharing this wonderful blog hop with us all and thank you to EVERYONE who shares recipes, this is what makes the world a better place and your generosity is incredibly appreciated 🙂

  4. ninivepisces
    ninivepisces says:

    real nice collection for the start-up, congrats to you both and thank you also, I think it is a lot of work to. Possibly I will be back for the third round, as time is very rare just now… we’ll see


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